Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Michael Buble in Kelowna

So to finish off our trip to Kelowna, our final for this chapter will end with a Michael Buble blog. As we have mentioned many times in our previous blogs in August, our reason to Kelowna was for Michael Buble.

The concert was held on Friday August 5, 2011 in Kelowna at Prospera place. The venue is much smaller compared to well known venue's he has been before, for example, Rogers Arena in Vancouver. Speaking of Rogers Arena, we actually we were there to see his concert last year in August too. But this time in Kelowna, was much much much better! We had row 3 seats so literally if Michael wanted to, he could have sweated on us.

The concert opened with Naturally 7 (american music group of 7 men playing beat boxing a capella style instruments by using their voice) with numerous songs from their album "Vocal Play". They got the crowd all heated up for Michael Buble by making the crowd jump, clap and sing. 

Michael Buble finally came out around 9pm. He started off the show with his song "Cry Me A River" from his 2009 Crazy Love Album. He was standing infront of a bluish white light, in a black suit and tie and his band. Dun, Dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun dun dun dun, dun. Ahhh, just listen to Cry me a river and you will know what I am trying to sing. He sang many songs, including, Crazy Love, Everything, Haven't Met you yet, Hold on, Macn the Knife etc etc and he also did a side spoof of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. 

During the show he told the crowd to youtube "Russian Unicorn". We actually went into youtube and searched up Russian Unicorn and this is what we got. Very funny video.
The show was a good 3 hours before it was over. During the show, a lot of seniors had to get escorted out the building. Not because they were too rowdy (lol), but because it was a very hot day evening and the venue was pretty hot when you have over 6000 people dancing and singing along with Michael. 

We think the most memorable that happened during the show was at the very end. Michael always closes his show with a music, band and mic less song " Song for you". That's not the most memorable thing. The most memorable thing was when he walked up the end of the stage (by this time turtle and I are standing front row) he waved at us to throw our shirts to get them autographed. I was actually in the middle of taking pictures for these women. When I turn around turtle is throwing his sunglasses at me and his shirt was whipped off. He threw the shirt at Michael, but missed. Luckily a stage worker walked by and passed it back to Michael and he signed it for us. He then threw it back and I literally only remember me screaming at the top of my lungs "THANK YOU MICHAEL"

Overall, this concert was awesome. Michael is always and will be a great performer live or on CD!! We are definitely looking forward to him coming back Home for more shows!

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